Friday, July 27, 2007

July Results, August Goals, and How do I play so many tables?

Here were my goals for July. The month isn't quite over yet, but I can pretty safely assess my progress.

1. Play enough to win the monthly TLB on AP (challenge)
Moved to Stars...didn't get this one done.

2. Don't be results oriented
Did pretty well here

3. World Domination (work in progress)
Making progress...still a ways to go here...someday

4. Don't tilt and play nl cash
D'oh! Didn't really tilt, but definitely played alot of nl cash on stars for a change of pace...I guess I'm just destined to always need a break from the grind and switch things up...meh.

5. Destroy the 109 level and don't doubt myself at that level.
Check. Killed this game before I decided to move.

So the big question: Why the move to Stars? Well, basically, I'm tired of the BS at AP. Its just retarded. I paid them about 30k in rake this year, and they kept coming up with dumb excuses as to why I could not recieve reload bonuses for $200 a peice. Absolutely the dumbest thing I've ever seen. You just alienated one of the top 5 tournament rake generators on your site. Good thinking. Way to go. I'm gonna go where my business is appreciated...or at least I'm made to feel that way. Peace.

I'm playing the 27s on Stars this month just to get a feel for the game again and to figure out how many tables I can realistically play without too much dropoff in my play. On August 1 I'll move up to the 60s and hopefully not look back. Its pretty clear that I'm as good as anyone in the 27s, but we'll see about the 60s. I always lack a bit of confidence moving up and I usually find that people aren't that much better...again...we'll see what happens. In any case I'm more than adequately rolled for the 60s so if I have a big downswing or I just don't think I'm a winner I can move back down and be fine.

Here are my goals for August:

1500 60s

Continued progress towards world domination

Have fun playing the game - I need to be PLAYING poker...not working poker...I haven't done a good job of this in quite some time

That's about it for this month. Pretty simple.

Next, I'm going to answer a question that I recently recieved. Someone recently noticed me at a large number of turbo sit n go tables. The question was asked: How do you play so many tables? Well, I don't really do anything special. I just play my game. I've been playing SNGs for about 3 years now and using a basic, ICM pushbot, its fairly easy to play a large amount of tables because almost every decision in SNG play is a no brainer. There are a few basic steps to successful multitabling. For starters, you need to be a winning player at a single table. Sooooo many people who are terrible at SNGs have a short term upswing, think they're great players, start playing more tables, have their luck run out, and bust. Then they think that its a result of multitabling. In reality, they just aren't winning players. So, make sure you are a winning player. Talk to other winning players, post hands on forums, and constantly try to improve your game. When you can be sure you're a winning player playing one table, its time to expand to more tables. At this point its basically a question of personal comfort. At first, two tables will seem rushed. Then, after a while, two will seem easy, and you can add more. After you add a few more two will seem really slow. From that point, its just a matter of adding tables as you feel comfortable adding more. At some point, you'll reach a sort of breaking point at which your hourly rate decreases by playing more tables because the quality of their play decreases due to playing too many tables. This # is different for everyone. Some people can play 20+ tables and not lose much profitability. Personally, anything over 12 and my decision making starts to suffer. Normally, I'm somewhere between 8 and 12 tables depending on how many I have on the bubble or in the money. If I have like 5 tables at that point and I bust one, I'll probably wait a few minutes to start another since its important to focus on those tournaments that are in that stage.

I hope this was helpful. If anyone else has a question they'd like me to address leave a comment here or email me at


ATT430 said...

Great post, you bring up a good point about discussing with other players and participating on forums to improve gameplay. I don't think a good majority of players online take the time to do that, and it's something I have been putting more effort into. Do you have any forums to suggest?

Also, you mention ICM Pushbot- I'm not too familiar with that term. Could you elaborate on that?

By ABaird said...

The single table tournament forum at is probably the best place you can go for STT advice.

ICM = Independent Chip Model. Its basically a mathematical model that determines tournament equity based on chipstacks. Pushbotting refers to shoving all in alot around the bubble and during the end game. It would be impossible for me to fully explain the concept in one post. Basically, if your average chipstack after a shove gives you more tournament equity according to ICM than folding does, then you should shove. Otherwise you should fold. I realize that's pretty vague, but like I said I can't explain it all in a single post.


nice blog...
was just in a sit and go with u and decided the check it out since u got it advertised on ur avatar lol... great posts man... im tryna improve my sit and go game and ur blog is somethin to read... keep it up bro... and add me to ur link as well... see u around and gl